Catch The Fire Music presents

About the Album

This album is filled with songs from our movement, songs that carry the DNA of Catch The Fire and are birthed from encounters we have had with God. As we came to make this album, we asked a question: “What happens when God shows up?” The answer is varied and rich - great praise erupts from our hearts, we find our identity, we fall more in love with Him, and we come fully alive. 

Our local team of worship leaders and musicians have dug deep to find songs, melodies and sounds to give a musical expression to the journey of our encounters with the living God.

If you’d like to see how we recorded these songs, you can watch the live recordings on our YouTube channel now!

Stream Everything Comes Alive now!

Need chord charts?

Here are the chord charts for the songs on Everything Comes Alive for you to use in your own worship services! We hope you will be as blessed by these songs while singing them as we were while writing them.