Journey of Faith: Distributing Bibles and Transforming Hearts in Uganda

Our recent trip to Uganda was an adventure unlike any other. Filled with moments of faith, joy, and sacrifice, it was an experience that left a lasting mark on our hearts. From running a 5-day International Leaders School of Ministry (ILSOM) to embarking on a journey across Lake Victoria, this blog recounts the remarkable stories of how lives were touched and hearts were transformed.

The ILSOM was a whirlwind of activity, bringing together 150 pastors, leaders, and locals eager to deepen their understanding of the Gospel. The hunger and receptiveness of the participants were overwhelming, and we witnessed numerous encounters with the Lord and the application of His teachings. One particularly impactful session focused on the father heart of God, where individuals experienced the profound love of God through hugs from our ministry team. Tears flowed freely as they realized for the first time that they are truly loved by their heavenly Father. Witnessing them hearing God's voice and concluding the school with a joyous praise party was a testament to the transformation they had experienced.

With a sense of excitement and anticipation, our team embarked on a small boat, carrying not just ourselves but also an array of supplies and equipment. The challenge of accommodating 27 people, a baby, backpacks, tents, lifejackets, mattresses, an entire sound system, keyboard, and a myriad of other necessities was daunting, but somehow, we managed. Our destination: five islands scattered across Lake Victoria.

Spreading the Good News arriving at each island, we were greeted with anticipation and curiosity. Our purpose was clear: to share the message of Jesus and distribute Bibles. The response was overwhelming, as hearts were open and hungry for the truth. Witnessing individuals surrendering their lives to the Lord was a deeply moving experience. On one particular island, we celebrated as 35 people accepted Jesus as their Savior. But it wasn't just the salvations that impacted us; it was the sight of locals reading their very first Bibles, their faces illuminated with a newfound sense of hope and purpose.

Living conditions on the islands were far from comfortable, and we had to surrender our familiar comforts. But the sacrifices we made were more than worthwhile. Knowing that even one person had accepted Jesus into their heart and received their first Bible was a reward beyond measure. It reminded us of the value of selflessness and the power of sharing the love of Christ.

Reflecting on our journey through Uganda, I am filled with gratitude and awe for the countless lives touched and transformed. The ILSOM provided a fertile ground for spiritual growth, while the boat journey across Lake Victoria allowed us to spread the good news to distant islands. Despite the challenges and sacrifices, the rewards were immeasurable. The memories of witnessing salvations and seeing locals reading their Bibles for the first time will forever shape my perspective on faith and ministry.

In the end, it all comes down to this simple question: Will you go for the one? My answer is a resounding "Yes."


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